Wednesday 28 January 2015

A Fool at 40! 2face Idibia Swims Deeply in Adultery

Innocent Ujah Idibia popularly known as 2face Idibia was born on September 18th 1975 in Jos, Plateau State. His claim to fame is Music. However, he is more famous for having numerous baby mamas as Mr Idibia has seven children from three different women. Six were born out of wedlock.
2face Idibia's fans were excited when he proposed to babymama turned wife, Annie Macaulay on February 14th 2012, as they believed it would put an end to the music star being branded as a rampant sex maniac, little did they know that it was just opening a new chapter for Mr 2face Idibia and he would just be putting a tag on his sexual escapades 'Adultery'.

In February 2014, news went viral that 2face Idibia was in an adultery mess with a Lagos banker and that she was allegedly pregnant for him, but fair enough there was no pictorial evidence and with the help of his wife, Annie Idibia, they were able to sweep the mess under the carpet. 2face Idibia even threatened to sue the media outlet, Icon Magazine that broke the news for N100 million, which was quite laughable as there is no smoke without fire and besides 2face suing for being branded a rampant sex maniac could be likened to Boko Haram suing for being branded a terror group.
There were several speculations that the music star popular club 'Rumours' is his 'Adultery Hub'. A lot of fans that patronizes the club always return with lot of tales of how the music star usually throws caution to the wind while frolicking with women of loose virtues at the club. The infidelity rumours kept trailing the Music star while his wife, Annie Idibia was always singing his praise at every slightest opportunity of how wonderful a husband the music legend is. Honestly, I wouldn't blame her because she knew 2face was a trophy husband before she made those vows in Dubai, so she has to paint him in good light to justify her actions and in-actions.

The last straw that broke the camel's back coincidentally happened in same adultery hub 'Club Rumours' over the weekend and thankfully with a photo evidence as Mr idibia was photographed kissing one of his baby mama, Pero Adeniyi, the mother of three of his children. When the news and picture went viral, I was quite adamant about it, I opined that it was not recent and I did a post to that effect. Unfortunately, I was so wrong, the leopard can never change its spot and the fact that he shamefully throws caution to the wind baffles me.
Mr Idibia will be 40 years in September and I honestly can't fathom why a married man and more importantly a father of seven should be involved in such show of shame. What legacy is he leaving behind for his children? If 2face was 18 or 19 year old, I would have called it youthful exorbitance. Is Kiss 2face Idibia's weakness? Does a mere Kiss make him loose his senses? Did Pero Adeniyi put some love charms on her lips that made 2face kiss her carelessly in public? All these questions and more are begging for answers.
In bid to damage control, the music star and his wife have taken to their respective social media page to release statements on the issue. Mr Idibia has this to say;
"Our love does not have to make sense to you. Please go on with your perfect life and know the true story behind something before you judge and start making nasty comments based on orchestrated story by some blog. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. LYTID Uwana Idibia"
This is one dumb statement for such gross indiscipline. The LYTID means Love you till I die and besides Annie's middle name is Uwana but we hope you do not kill her with your irresponsible act before her time. I personally think Annie doesn't deserve all 2face is dishing to her or does she? Well, see Mrs Annie Idibia's statement below;
" I am aware of the photo circulating the internet with my husband and Pero Adeniyi. I want to state officially that I was not in that space at that time and therefore there was no confrontation between myself and Pero Adeniyi.
Pero Adeniyi and this momentary indiscretion poses no threat whatsoever to my relationship with my husband.
As a matter of fact, for our children's sake I do encourage cordial relationships with parties involved.
This year, my focus is solely on God, Family, and my career which doesn't give me the luxury of paying attention to any distractions.
I thank you for your respect in this matter"
How many more statements will Annie Idibia release? Well , there is a popular saying that, it is better to cry in a Bentley than smile in a Tricycle. As for Mr 2face Idibia, please retrace your step for the sake of your children, your first daughter is almost 10 year, I can only imagine how embarrassed she would be when she read this messy public display of you and her mother Pero Adeniyi  in few years time and while at it, remember Google never forgets.

Article by: Joy Tammy (; twitter; @joytammy

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