Tuesday 12 July 2016

Nollywood Porn Star, Cossy Orjiakor says She Wants to Have Sex With Mikel Obi

May are mad, few are roaming! Self acclaimed Nollywood No 1 porn actress said she is looking forward to having sex with Chelsea's midfielder, Mikel Obi.

In a recent interview, when asked about her favourite football star, she said;
“Well, truthfully Mikel is my favourite because he is a cool and handsome dude, you know. “During the Nations Cup which Nigeria won, he emerged as one of the sexiest footballers in South Africa.
“I have said enough so it is left for you to sort it out if I am tripping for him or not.”
“Whenever I am watching a football match instead of enjoying the game I derive joy in watching how the players’ ‘thing’ dangle in their shorts and their muscles too.
“It’s romantic indeed. It trips me and you know what it means and the consequence; s3x of course,”

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