Friday 1 May 2015

Boko Haram Heading to South Africa to Bomb them for Killing Nigerians

 According to ZimEye the dreaded Boko Haram insurgents has been spotted in Zimbabwe in transit to South Africa. The South African intelligence service is said to have alerted police officers in Zimbabwe’s Matebeleland region about Boko Haram’s intentions to infiltrate South Africa.

Reports claims that the Matebeleland region that borders South Africa might be the place  where the jihadist group may seek to “carry out revenge attacks for the ill-treatment of several Nigerian nationals in the ongoing xenophobic attacks” that have left seven people dead and displaced thousands more from their homes.

The dreaded Boko Haram released a propaganda last month threatening to kill South Africans in retribution for the wave of xenophobic violence affecting Nigerians and others in that nation.

Isn't Boko haram a joke? The sect has killed more Nigerians than South African will ever kill in hundreds of centuries.

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