Sunday 8 February 2015

Mugabe Falls: Zimbabwean President Suspends 27 Guards

It seems heads have started rolling as a result of the embarrassing fall of the 90 year old Zimbabwean President at Harare International airport on Wednesday.
Reliable sources and findings reveal that up to 27 members of the Presidential security and advance team who seemed immobilized as Mugabe tripped and tumbled after addressing hundreds of Zanu PF supporters who welcomed him on his return from the African Union Summit, have been suspended.
The guards were said to have been handed their suspension letters on Friday.

 Officials at Muhumutapa government building said an investigation was launched on the night of the fall at the airport on his return from Ethiopia where he has just taken charge as the New Chairperson of the African Union.
At the state house on Friday afternoon where President Robert Mugabe was meeting with newly elected Zambian leader, Edgar Lungu, new faces could be seen on his security team.
Another official said that although some people were taking the fall lightly, it was a serious matter that had to be dealt with thoroughly. He claimed that the issue for analysis is quite simple; the security team were caught napping. They took things for granted and failed to adhere to basics. According to him, it is protocol that the immediate proximity is at most three metres from the president.

He said that the security failed to follow Rule Number 3 of their training manual which outlined the distance they should keep from the president.
The official, however said that most of the suspensions could just be decoys by the secret service chiefs who wanted  to appear as if they are doing something about the embarrassing incident.

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